[AccessD] VM for different versions of Access

Tina Norris Fields tinanfields at torchlake.com
Sat Mar 29 07:25:49 CDT 2008


Thank you for that link.  As I learn more about VMs I like them more.  
I'm somewhat leery of the dual-boot scenario, not least of all because I 
am so inexperienced with it.


Darryl Collins wrote:
> Tina,
> I read this only this morning... I may be of some use to you?
> http://www.windowssecrets.com/2008/03/27/01-XP-virtual-computing-avoids-dual-boot-complexity
> regards
> Darryl.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Tina Norris
> Fields
> Sent: Friday, 28 March 2008 2:55 AM
> To: dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com; accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: [AccessD] VM for different versions of Access
> Hi All,
> Double-posting, since this is a technical virtual machine question but 
> involves Access.
> The database I wrote about that got corrupted has been mostly repaired.  
> That is to say the tables are intact, all the data are there, and the 
> table relationships are good.  However, there are bits and pieces that 
> definitely are out of whack.  I am going to remodel the database, to use 
> only the features the client actually uses and wants, to restore the 
> switchboard interface the client likes, and then split the sucker into a 
> proper BE and FE.  Client agrees.  Here is the puzzle: client uses 
> Access97.  My machine is WinXP Pro with Office 2003. 
> I would like to install a virtual machine and run Office 97 in that 
> machine (yes, I still have a licensed copy on the shelf - 
> unbelievable!).  I would like that machine to reside on my USB external 
> drive.  Is this do-able?  What are the gotchas I need to watch out for?
> I have Microsoft's VirtualPC installed as well as VMWare's Server.  The 
> MS VirtualPC seems the better candidate for making a virtual machine to 
> run another version of Office. 
> Suggestions?  Ideas?  Watch-out fors?
> Thanks,
> Tina

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