jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu May 8 10:27:34 CDT 2008
Gustav, That is what I am looking for. I thought someone had code already written. Thanks for the info though. I will go write the code if no one pops up with it. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Gustav Brock wrote: > Hi John > > Loop through the fields of the query and - for each field - set the ordinal position of the field to the index of the field? > > /gustav > > > >>>> jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com 08-05-2008 17:01 >>> > When you view data in a query you can move the fields around, slide this > field left, then this field right etc. If you SAVE the query after > that, then the fields when viewing data are in a different order than > the fields when viewing it in design. When it is a big query (lots of > fields) it is very confusing trying to find a specific field in design > view when it "should be" next to this field (as seen in the data view). > > John W. Colby > www.ColbyConsulting.com > > >