Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software
rockysmolin at
Wed May 21 12:42:29 CDT 2008
D ear List: I had a dealer in Belgium note that virtualization is a big buzz word now and wondered how E-Z-MRP would do in that environment. I wrote back that I didn't know what aspect of virtualization he was thinking of in regard to E-Z-MRP. So he wrote back: "Re per virtualization... I'm just wondering, as I read E-Z-MRP can be setup as 'client-server', if the program is installed on a server, if there is a possibility to use thin clients to act as 'clients' and further, if the application can be installed on a Citrix server and be distributed and accessed as a 'published application'." E-Z-MRP is a straightforward FE/BE app with an mde on the front end and an mdb on the back end. How does this fare under Citrix? It would seem to be OK under a thin client setup except that it seems to me that would mean a lot more traffic over the wire. What should I tell him? MTIA Rocky Rocky Smolin Beach Access Software 858-259-4334 <> <>