Steve Schapel
miscellany at
Sun Nov 2 18:51:34 CST 2008
Stuart, Yes, I know that. :-) But Andy's original reply, which *does* do what he asked for, was rejected by Rocky. So I'm now going by what Rocky said was doing the job for him. :-) Oh well, probably just going round in circles. But I had originally prepared a reply using the Nz() very similar to your suggestion, and then I deleted it before sending because I had seen from Rocky's reply to Andy that it was apparently not what he wanted after all. Not that it matters - my only concern is Rocky being sure he is getting what he wants. :-) Regards Steve Stuart McLachlan wrote: > But it does what Rocky originally asked for, the earlier solutions don't :-) > > <quote> > the client wants the non-null field2 records at the top sorted by field two then > field3, and the > records with a null field 2 at the bottom sorted by field3. > </quote>