[AccessD] import question

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Nov 7 11:07:54 CST 2008

Hi Pedro

There is no way to this other than read the file line by line (the loop) and create your own logic how to interpret the lines.
Here are the old code examples from Seth (not with us anymore, I think):

=========Reading from a file==========

    Dim dbs As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim strRecordSource As String       'Source for recordset, can be SQL, table, or saved query
    Dim intFileDesc As Integer      	'File descriptor for output file
    Dim strSourceFile As String     	'Full path of source file
    Dim strTextLine As String       	'Input buffer
    Dim strField1 As String         	'Extracted Field1 from buffer
    Dim strField2 As String         	'Extracted Field2 from buffer
    Dim strField3 As String         	'Extracted Field3 from buffer

    Set dbs = CurrentDb
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strRecordSource, dbOpenDynaset)
    intFileDesc = FreeFile
    Open strSourceFile For Input As #intFileDesc
    Do While Not EOF(intFileDesc) 	' Loop until end of file.
        Line Input #intFileDesc, strTextLine                  'Read line into buffer
	' <  use string handling to extract the fields from strTextLine
	'    and place them in strField1, strField2, & strField3         >
	rst.AddNew			'depending on your situation, you may want to find an
					'   existing record and Edit instead
	rst!Field1 = strField1
	rst!Field2 = strField2
	rst!Field3 = strField3
    Close #intFileDesc    'Close file.
    rst.Close		  'Close the recordset
    Set rst = Nothing
    Set dbs = Nothing     'Garbage handling before we exit the function

=========Writing to a file==========

    Dim dbs As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim intFileDesc As Integer      'File descriptor for output file (number used by OS)
    Dim strOutput As String         'Output string for entry
    Dim strRecordSource As String   'Source for recordset, can be SQL, table, or saved query
    Dim strOutfile As String        'Full path to output file

    Kill strOutfile                 'Delete the output file before using it.
                                    'Not necessary, but ensures you have a clean copy every time
    intFileDesc = FreeFile          'Get a free file descriptor
    Open strOutfile For Binary As #intFileDesc 'Open the output file for writing
    Set dbs = CurrentDb
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strRecordSource ) 'open the recordset based on our source string
    With rst    'make things easier for ourselves
	While Not .EOF
            strOutput = !Field1 & ";" & !Field2 & ";" & !Field3
            Print #intFileDesc, strOutput   'Print output string to file
            .MoveNext   	'Advance to next record in recordset
        .Close                  'Close this recordset
    End With
    Close #intFileDesc          'Close output file
    Set rst = Nothing
    Set dbs = Nothing		'Garbage handling before we exit the function



>>> pedro at plex.nl 07-11-2008 17:18 >>>
Hello Gary, Susan and others,

The suggestions that you presented are all known by me, that was a to easy 
question.  I see that my explanation wasn't clear enough.
I need the line that is present before some lines of text with tabs, as the 
first column.

31 maart 2008 13.00- 16.45 uur(zomertijd); 12 graden .......  tab     32 
tab     13.47     tab    etc
31 maart 2008 13.00- 16.45 uur(zomertijd); 12 graden .......  tab     33 
tab     14.34     tab    etc
5 april 2008 12.30-17.15 uur; 10 graden; half ...................... tab 
40     tab     12.45     tab     etc
5 april 2008 12.30-17.15 uur; 10 graden; half ...................... tab 
41     tab     12.50     tab     etc

I'll hope i am clear enough now


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