[AccessD] OT: Dynamic GoogleMaps pinned location on html pages - how to

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru
Sun Nov 23 06:57:52 CST 2008

Hi All,

I'm trying to find information how to get placed on my web page(s) a pinned
location from dynamic GoogleMaps - as this test one:


which has this src link:


which I "borrowed" for testing purposed from one of the site.

I can't find information what in the above src link are the following

msid = ?
s = ?
spn = ?
z = ?

What are the other attributes is clear.

I guess the needed information should be somewhere in GoogleMaps API docs
but I can't find it.

msid = ? and s = ? seems to be some IDs/codes are these freely available
from google as e.g. Google Search API and GoogleMAPs API keys?

Thank you.


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