David Emerson
newsgrps at dalyn.co.nz
Thu Oct 9 19:10:30 CDT 2008
Team, I am wanting to export fields into a CSV file. This I can do using Print #. I am also enclosing each field in single quotes thus: Print #lngFileHandle, "'DET','" & rst!Field1 & "','" & rst!Field2 & "','" & rst!Field3 & "'" Result: 'DET','1','Joe','Bloggs','10 Kingston Lane' I can also read the files back into an arrany using Input #: Input #lngFileHandle, strData(0), strData(2), strData(3), strData(4) This works fine unless one of the output fields includes a comma. Eg 'DET','1','Joe','Bloggs','10 Kingston Lane, Jamaca' In this case the Input# only gets "'10 Kingston Lane" and assumes that " Jamaca'" is for the next field. How do I allow for comma's to be included in fields? Regards David Emerson Dalyn Software Ltd Wellington, New Zealand