Mark A Matte
markamatte at
Tue Oct 14 12:25:58 CDT 2008
I started a thread very similar to this about 7 months ago...I don't remember the subject...but I wanted to do something similar. I have a MDB I work on every few months adding features...It will search docs for will search your computer/folder for all access databases...and store them in a table with size, location, dates. Another version will list all objects in each database. Also it will use the list of MDBs it found and search the modules(forms and reports included) for a text string. It has some issues with databases that have passwords...but typically gets what I need. I don't have a finished product to send out...but here is the code I use to search the VBA of other MDBs...most of this was gleaned from the web in different pieces...alot is commented out...and not really documented. Hope it helps, Mark A. Matte ****************CODE************************* Public Function ProcessExtModules(DB_Path As String) On Error GoTo ByPassError NoAccess = 0 Dim acc As Access.Application MyMDB_Path = DB_Path Set acc = New Access.Application Set acc = fGetRefNoAutoexec(DB_Path) 'acc.OpenCurrentDatabase (DB_Path) If NoAccess = 1 Then GoTo Skip ProcessModules acc 'AddDAO acc acc.CloseCurrentDatabase acc.Quit acQuitSaveNone Exit Function Skip: DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tblTextFound ( fullMDBCoord, TextFound, [Module] )SELECT '" & DB_Path & "', 'No Access', 'none';") Set acc = Nothing Exit Function ByPassError: End Function Public Function ProcessModules( _ ByRef rapp As Access.Application) On Error GoTo ShiftBypassError Dim oVBE As Object Dim mdl As Object Dim blnFound As Boolean Dim StartLine As Long Dim StartColumn As Long Dim EndLine As Long Dim EndColumn As Long 'Dim MyMDB Dim S_Text As String S_Text = Me!txtSearch 'MyMDB = rapp.VBE.ActiveVBProject.FileName 'To make life easier and lines shorter. Set oVBE = rapp.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents 'Dim s As String 's = "" 'Check each module ... For Each mdl In oVBE '***************** StartLine = 1 StartColumn = 1 EndLine = oVBE(mdl.Name).CodeModule.CountOfLines EndColumn = 60 'MsgBox mdl.Name blnFound = oVBE(mdl.Name).CodeModule.Find(S_Text, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn) 'if it is found. ... Dim nn nn = mdl.Name If blnFound = True Then Debug.Print oVBE(mdl.Name).CodeModule 'MsgBox oVBE(mdl.Name).CodeModule & " Found it" DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tblTextFound ( fullMDBCoord, TextFound, [Module] )SELECT '" & MyMDB_Path & "', '" & S_Text & "', '" & mdl.Name & "';") End If '************** 'If Len(s)> 0 Then s = s + vbCrLf 'for the required procedure ... 'Debug.Print oVBE(mdl.Name).CodeModule 's = s + oVBE(mdl.Name).CodeModule Next Exit Function ShiftBypassError: DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tblTextFound ( fullMDBCoord, TextFound, [Module] )SELECT '" & MyMDB_Path & "', 'ByPassError', 'none';") 'Debug.Print s 'MsgBox s End Function ****************CODE************************* > From: dwaters at > To: accessd at > Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:23:22 -0500 > Subject: [AccessD] Find Text In Code Programmatically > > Maybe I'm off the edge here, but I was wondering if there is a way to enter > a string into a text box on a form, push a button, and have the string I > typed in found in the code? > > For example, I could have a list of bugs or tasks uniquely numbered. I've > already typed Bug27 as a comment into code somewhere. When I push a button > in the list next to Bug27 the string Bug27 is then found in code. > > Possible? > > Thanks! > Dan > > -- > AccessD mailing list > AccessD at > > Website: _________________________________________________________________ See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life.