Tony Septav
iggy at
Mon Oct 20 10:47:13 CDT 2008
Hey All Just thought I would share this (some of you will probably say "Of course you twit that was the problem"). Way too much time wasted on this one. Pulled the code apart,checked the path string etc. etc etc. and discovered. Len(Dir(Trim(PDrive), vbDirectory)) was causing the problem. MkDir Trim(PDrive) If Len(Dir(Trim(PDrive), vbDirectory)) = 0 Then DoCmd.Beep MsgBox "Sorry cannot create this path - " & PDrive & ". Please check that you have access rights...", 48, "Message" Exit Sub End If I added this and I no longer get error messages and the folder deleted no problem. If Len(Dir("C:\", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then End If Further down in the code I had something similiar If len(dir(trim(PDrive) & "Data.mdb")) = 0 then to see if the data.mdb existed, if not place a clean copy in the folder/directory, had the same delete problem until I changed my code logic.