[AccessD] Identifying Primary Key's

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 16:32:29 CDT 2008

I've been trying to do something similar with the ADOX PrimaryKey property, 
but don't have it quite right yet -- I'll take at look, maybe it'll inspire 
me. Thanks!

Susan H.

>                For cntKey = 0 To curTbl.Indexes.count - 1
>                    Set curIdx = curTbl.Indexes(cntKey)
>                    '** Loop though all the fields in the current index
>                    For cntIdx = 0 To curIdx.Fields.count - 1
>                        Set curIdxFld = curIdx.Fields(cntIdx)
>                        '* is the current field part of the primary key?

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