[AccessD] Time Comparisons

Tony Septav iggy at nanaimo.ark.com
Thu Sep 11 12:19:32 CDT 2008

Hey Gustav
Again  thanks.
I am going to let it run for a day or so and see if I hit any magic times.

Gustav Brock wrote:

>Hi Tony
>Yes, DateDiff ignores (rounds) fractional seconds.
>You can read the 5 from a variable if it is to change during your loop.
>>>>iggy at nanaimo.ark.com 11-09-2008 18:22:00 >>>
>Hey Gustav
>Sorry for not replying quicker, I was trying your example. My time 
>intervals change as the code loops through a table of activities.
>Question - your method avoids the second fracture problems with time? 
>That is why I was using > rather than =.
>Gustav Brock wrote:
>>Hi Tony
>>You could skip all the string handling and use a static variable.
>>Private Sub Form_Timer()
>> Static datLast As Date
>> Dim datNow As Date
>> datNow = Now
>> If DateDiff("s", datLast, datNow) > 5 Then
>>   ' Do something.
>>   Me!BTime.Value = datNow
>>   datLast = datNow
>> End If
>>End Sub
>>Set the format property of BTime to short time.
>>>>>iggy at nanaimo.ark.com 11-09-2008 16:44:53 >>>
>>Hey All
>>I am trying to trigger an event when the current time = the calculated 
>>time. I have been fiddling with this, as previous versions would trip up 
>>every so often (ie. after 28 hours). The current version has been 
>>running for 3 days and everything seems to be working fine, just wanted 
>>to check with the time experts if I am doing this correctly.
>>Me!BTime - unbound on form
>>Timer = 1000
>>Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
>>Me!Btime = cstr(Format(TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), 
>>Second(Now()) + 5), "long time"))
>>End Sub
>>Private Sub Form_Timer()
>>       If cstr(Format(TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), 
>>Second(Now())), "long time"))>
>>   cstr(Format(TimeSerial(Hour(me!BTime), Minute(me!BTime), 
>>Second(Me!Btime)), "long time"))
>>      Then
>>           Me!BTime = cstr(Format(TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), 
>>Minute(Now()), Second(Now()) + 5), "long time"))
>>       End If
>>End Sub

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