[AccessD] OT: Weekend, technology OT: Microsoft Surface Computing....

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru
Tue Sep 23 02:33:10 CDT 2008


This 50USD wiiremote based "virtual whiteboard" will need a projector, which
costs around USD500 here (low end but still not bad models) - so this
alternative to MS Surface Computing "virtual whiteboard" solution isn't yet
that cheap to be affordable broadly worldwide...

Sorry for any inconvenience...

Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shamil Salakhetdinov [mailto:shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 10:27 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] OT: Weekend,technology OT: Microsoft Surface

Thank you, Jurgen,

Hi all,

Have a look at the following clips:

50USD "virtual whiteboard" + free software:

Johnny Lee: Wii Remote hacks

Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote

Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote

Foldable Displays (tracked with the Wiimote)

Arthur, you can use virtual pencils with that thing, even in a buthtub :)

Darryl, this thing is not expensive - should be to affordable to the schools



-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Jurgen Welz
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:46 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] OT: Weekend,technology OT: Microsoft Surface

Looks a lot like this stuff from Feb 2006:
CiaoJürgen WelzEdmonton, Albertajwelz at hotmail.com> From:
shamil at smsconsulting.spb.ru> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com> Date: Mon, 22
Sep 2008 00:49:34 +0400> Subject: Re: [AccessD] OT: Weekend, technology OT:
Microsoft Surface Computing....> > Hi Gustav and Max,> > Yes, this
technology was first announced in 2007 - the question here is what> is your
feelings/expectations there how much it will take until it gets> broadly
used in the office work (if ever) - I mean it's getting developed> there at
MS:> >
> x > > http://www.microsoft.com/surface/index.html > > But still
expensive...> > And they say it's available now in AT&T stores - used by
merchants to talk> with the customers/present them goods etc. ASAIU - did
anybody see/touch it> there live? - it looks so amazing. How it's done?
Some-infrared> transmitters/detectors located very close to the screen
surface? Why this> "smart coffer tables" are still so thick? Is there
anywhere description how> it's done?> > Thank you.

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