[AccessD] Empty Field Label

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sat Apr 11 06:33:09 CDT 2009

That's quite a common technique for filtering records.
You use an unbound combo.
You populate  it with a list of possible values either from a lookup table or from a "Select 
Distint... Group By...." on the table you want to filter unioned with "<ALL>".

You then filter on something like
strFilter  = "LIKE " & IIF(cboFilter = "<ALL>","*",cboFilter)

It won't work on bound combos with Nulls,

On 11 Apr 2009 at 12:53, Lembit Soobik wrote:

> I remember, using a UNION query of the bound table and a something like '*' 
> or 'All' to select or deselect a filter.
> Dont remember which db it was, and how exactly I did it.

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