[AccessD] Text problem in runSQL

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin at bchacc.com
Fri Apr 17 00:21:21 CDT 2009


If you have apostrophes in your text then instead of using apostrophes to
delimit the string use double quotes - "".

So tblSoumissionDetail.Description = '" & txt & "'

Becomes tblSoumissionDetail.Description = """ & txt & """

Of course, if you then encounter a string with quotes in it, like
representing inches, you've got the opposite problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Annie Courchesne,
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 8:03 PM
To: Accessd
Subject: [AccessD] Text problem in runSQL

Hi everyone,


I'm having a problem with a function that a customer wants.  It's for making
quotation.  I have a subform that has the lines of the quote.  On another
subform, I have a list of words.  When I double click on the word, it adds
it wherever the pointer was in the lines of the quotes.  So far, no problem
with that.  


Now here's the problem : If the text has a ' in it (exemple : Stone wall of
20' x 10'),  I try to run add "White" in front of the text, it does not
work.  Here the code I use :



Dim txt as string


Txt=me.word & " " & me.description


SQL = "UPDATE tblSoumissionDetail SET tblSoumissionDetail.Description = '" &
txt & "' WHERE (((tblSoumissionDetail.SoumDetailID)=" & Me.Parent.LigneID &





Me.word : White

Me.description : Stone wall of 20' x 10'


In an exemple as this one, I get a runtime error 3075.  I know it's because
of the ' . but I have no idea how to solve this!


Anyone can help?








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