[AccessD] Code timing???

Doug Steele dbdoug at gmail.com
Sat Apr 18 09:06:13 CDT 2009

I've had so many problems with auto calculated totals on forms with multiple
subforms that now I tend to do complex totalling in code.  Like you, I've
found that either the sequence of calculation is not what I expect.
Sometimes doing a Recalc will cause #Error# to show in some subform total
fields, but not consistently.

I generally work in Access 2003.

Doug Steele

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Mark A Matte <markamatte at hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Hello All,
> Have an app I converted from 2.0 to A03...1 form has an issue updating.
>  When the save button  is clicked...a number of things are done to the
> data/fields updated...data from multiple subforms, is used to update a
> number of fields on the main form.  Then the 'totals' fields are calculated.
>  Apparently the totals fields are being calculated prior to the initial
> updates being done???

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