[AccessD] Form Locked - Solved

Tony Septav iggy at nanaimo.ark.com
Mon Apr 27 07:41:04 CDT 2009

Hey William
I went back to ground zero. Created 3 forms Form1, Form2 and Form3.
Form1 - Main Menu
Form2 - Data entry form
Form3 - Pop up data form for Notes

Form1, Form2 and Form3 are all modal and Form1 & 2 have the Can Close 
code in their OnUnLoad property.
Form1 has a button to open Form2. Form2 has a button to open Form3.
Form2 and Form3 have Canclose=True in their <Close> buttons.
Ran into my original problem, complete lock up.
Form2 <Close> button - Me.Modal=False
Form3 <Close> button - Set Frm = Forms!Form2!Form,  Frm.Modal=True
Works like a beauty (no lock up of Form3), and checked  to determine 
that Form2 was back in its' modal state.
Oh yeah if I did not make Form1 invisible (could have used Modal 
True/False) ran into the same lockup problem.

Thanks again for all your help.

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