[AccessD] Delete query problem

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Aug 6 16:35:52 CDT 2009

Looks like you built a select statement and them just changed the Select to Delete.

Try removing the  "[DISTINCTROW]" and the 
", [tbl Statuses During Prior Month].Status"


On 6 Aug 2009 at 16:25, Kaup, Chester wrote:

DELETE DISTINCTROW  [tbl Inactive Injectors Any Day Prior Month].*, [tbl Statuses During Prior Month].Status
FROM [tbl Inactive Injectors Any Day Prior Month] 
INNER JOIN [tbl Statuses During Prior Month] ON [tbl Inactive Injectors Any Day Prior Month].PID = [tbl Statuses During Prior Month].PID
WHERE ((([tbl Statuses During Prior Month].Status) 
In ("FL","FM","FH","SL","SM","SH","SP","PL","PM","PH","RP","RM","RH","RL","TA","WD","WC","WF","WCH","WAGW","WAGC")));

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