Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Sat Aug 8 16:20:44 CDT 2009 A different subject primarily, but this snippet towarsd the end: <quote> Bootnote OpenOffice, touted by many as an alternative to Microsoft's Office, is destined to look a whole lot more like its prime competitive target in the near future. The largely Sun- Microsystems-backed OpenOffice has revealed a planned new look and feel that adopts the ribbon interface Microsoft introduced to its own productivity suite with Office 2007. The change, part of Project Renaissance, is a risky move: Microsoft's ribbon interface has served to confuse rather than help users, because of its departure from the familiar drop- down system of menus to access hidden features. You can see the change here < />. </quote> One comment on the linked page sum up my concern about the ribbon - there are lots more which essentially make the same point.: "Since 2004 over 90% of the sold new monitors have been widescreen. Whenever possible spare the vertical space for actual user instead of ui elements." -- Stuart On 8 Aug 2009 at 15:09, jwcolby wrote: > Microsoft owns office and they are in a position to FORCE the world to change, and that is what they > are doing. You can bet your bottom dollar it is for their own reasons. Usability? Maybe. Or > maybe they had lost control of the interface and had competition designing office products that > looked identical but were free (Open Office anyone?) and maybe a redesign could be copyrighted or > even patented... >