[AccessD] Access and :PDF Printers was (OT: PDF Printers)

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun Aug 9 17:14:45 CDT 2009

Lots of them, all with different capabilities.  

I have four different ones installed on this machine alone :-)

PDFCreator  - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator
DoPDF - http://www.dopdf.com
Polestar Virtual Printer - http://www.polestarsoft.com/ 

and my own creation.

MakePDF - a front end to Ghostcript which you can use as a GUI or CLI application.

Here's where it gets ON TOPIC again.

I use this one to print reports  to PDF with output file names created on the fly.  It means I 
can set up a loop to create a couple of thousand PDF statements  stored in 
currentapplication.path & "Statements" with names like "Statement" & CLientNumber & 
".pdf".  Once they are created, I can email them out using  calls to Blat.dll, pulling the email 
address and CustomerNumber in a loop and funding the appropriate PDF to attach.

You  will find MakePDF and an example of using it with Access on my website
http://www.lexacorp.com.pg - under Downloads.


On 9 Aug 2009 at 22:43, Max Wanadoo wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Definitely OT but I have just tried to install my PDF Printer (you know,
> where it thinks it is a printer driver and appears in the printer list but
> displays content as a PDF where you can view/save it).
> Anyway, I purchased one some time back and just tried to install it on my
> x64 system but no go. The manufactures are offering me a discount of a later
> model but I was wondering if there were any freebies before I spend my cash
> which would be better spent donating to AccessD (that last bit is to stop me
> being told off for OT'ing on a Sunday).
> Max
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