Max Wanadoo
max.wanadoo at
Sun Feb 1 03:55:13 CST 2009
Don't know if this will help, but here it is. Uses reference to FileSystem objects to get file sizes but not necessary. The actual line that does the compacting is:- DBEngine.CompactDatabase strCurrentMDB, strCompactedMDB, ";pwd=mypassword", , ";pwd=mypassword" Max Public Function pfCompactRepairBE() ' Original source By Andy Lacey ' updated by max sherman ' log the event and time Call pfLogEvent("pfCompactRepairBE-Start") Const strOldMDB As String = "z:\Data\MCM_BEndA3K-OLD.mdb" Const strCurrentMDB As String = "z:\Data\MCM_BEndA3K.mdb" Const strCompactedMDB As String = "z:\Data\MCM_BEndA3K-COMPACTED.mdb" Dim datStartDate As Date, gdatStarted As Date, gdatFinished As Date Dim strDay As String datStartDate = DateAdd("D", 0, Date) Dim strBody As String Dim lngOldSize As Long Dim lngNewSize As Long Dim lngChange As Long Dim lngOldSizeKB As Long Dim lngNewSizeKB As Long Dim lngChangeKB As Long Dim lngOldSizeMB As Long Dim lngNewSizeMB As Long Dim lngChangeMB As Long Dim dbs As DAO.Database, rst As DAO.Recordset Dim sql As String Dim fs As FileSystemObject Set fs = New FileSystemObject Set dbs = CurrentDb gdatStarted = Now() ' weekdays start on Sun = 1 and Sat = 7 strDay = pfGetDOW If Weekday(Date) = 1 Or Weekday(Date) = 0 Then ' skip weekends Call pfLogEvent("pfCompactRepairBE-Halted because it is a " & strDay) Else On Error GoTo Repair_Err ' kill the IP Address so that the BE does not find any FE's still holding the lock. Shell ("CMD /C IPCONFIG /RELEASE") ' get the current size on disk lngOldSize = FileLen(strCurrentMDB) On Error Resume Next Kill strCompactedMDB On Error GoTo Compact_Err DoEvents DBEngine.CompactDatabase strCurrentMDB, strCompactedMDB, ";pwd=mypassword", , ";pwd=mypassword" DoEvents ' get the new file size after compacting lngNewSize = FileLen(strCompactedMDB) lngChange = lngOldSize - lngNewSize lngOldSizeKB = lngOldSize / 1024 lngNewSizeKB = lngNewSize / 1024 lngChangeKB = lngChange / 1024 lngOldSizeMB = lngOldSizeKB / 1024 lngNewSizeMB = lngNewSizeKB / 1024 lngChangeMB = lngChangeKB / 1024 ' see how long it took gdatFinished = Now strBody = strDay & " - Repair and Compact of " & strCurrentMDB & " ran successfully " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _ & "Old Size " & Format(lngOldSizeKB, "#,##0") & "kb" & vbCrLf _ & "New Size " & Format(lngNewSizeKB, "#,##0") & "kb" & vbCrLf _ & "Reduction Of " & Format(lngChangeKB, "#,##0") & "kb" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf DoEvents ' copy files over fs.CopyFile strCurrentMDB, strOldMDB, True DoEvents fs.CopyFile strCompactedMDB, strCurrentMDB, True DoEvents ' renew the IP Address Shell ("CMD /C IPCONFIG /RENEW") Call pfLogEvent(strBody) Call pfLogEvent("pfCompactRepairBE-OK") End If exithere: On Error Resume Next dbs.Close: Set dbs = Nothing Exit Function Repair_Err: Call pfLogEvent("pfCompactRepairBE-STOPPED REPAIR Errors Found:- " & Err.number & vbCrLf & Err.Description) Resume exithere Compact_Err: Call pfLogEvent("pfCompactRepairBE-STOPPED COMPACT Errors Found:- " & Err.number & vbCrLf & Err.Description) Resume exithere End Function Private Function pfGetDOW() As String ' weekdays start on Sun = 1 and Sat = 7 pfGetDOW = Choose(Weekday(Date), "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat") End Function