adtp at airtelmail.in
Thu Feb 5 23:00:05 CST 2009
Gustav, That is a nice one! Thanks for kindly sharing with us. Equivalent UDF, using multiplication by 24 in lieu of DaeDiff(), could be: '=============================== Function Fn_TotElapsedTimeFormatted( _ TotElapsedTime As Single) As String ' Returns equivalent string in hh:nn:ss format ' TotElapsedTime is the sum of subtraction ' between DateTime type values. Fn_TotElapsedTimeFormatted = _ Int(TotElapsedTime * 24) & _ Format(TotElapsedTime, ":nn:ss") End Function '=============================== Best wishes, A.D. Tejpal ------------ ----- Original Message ----- From: Gustav Brock To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 12:57 Subject: [AccessD] Tip: Sum elapsed time and display as a time string Hi all Did you know how easy it is in a query to sum elapsed time (of date/time value) and format this as a string even when count of hours exceed 24? SELECT DateDiff("h",0,Sum([ElapsedTime])) & Format(Sum([ElapsedTime]),":nn:ss") AS ElapsedTimeTotal FROM tblElapsedTime; This will return a string like, say, 45:37:12. The trick is, of course, to count the hours from date/time value 0 (zero). Then let Format handle the minutes and seconds. /gustav