jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Feb 6 13:25:11 CST 2009
I was upgrading a computer for a member of my church earlier this week. He is starting to write for a newsletter that he wrote for back in the 90s, and he used to send them the articles on Floppy. Now they want it on CD. The CD player in his machine wouldn't write, and he did not have a clue how to use one, so I had to install one that would write and show him how to get XP to write files to it. It is getting pretty tough to even find floppy disks any more, and new systems don't come with the drives. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Heenan, Lambert wrote: > The answer for Windoze XP is a resounding "No" I suspect. Could be wrong of course, but I'm sitting in front of a machine that does have a floppy drive (though I've never used it for anything), and the 'Change Drive Letter and Paths' dialog does not offer me drive A or B to choose from. That's probably because having a floppy, which is A, drive B is reserved for when you do something like > > Copy a:*.* b: > > Which will result in A having a schizophrenic interlude. > > I just checked this out by disabling the floppy drive in the BIOS. After rebooting, a peek ad the drive management screen reveals... > > Roll of drums... > > A and B are still not available. So MS has just decided that floppy drives are an essential legacy support item. :-) > > Lambert