jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Feb 11 11:10:15 CST 2009
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private WithEvents mfrm As Form Private Const cstrEvProc As String = "[Event Procedure]" Private colCtls As Collection Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set colCtls = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set colCtls = Nothing End Sub Function mInit(lfrm As Form) Set mfrm = lfrm mfrm.BeforeUpdate = cstrEvProc mfrm.OnClose = cstrEvProc CtlScanner End Function Private Sub mfrm_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) MsgBox "Before Update: " & mfrm.Name End Sub Private Sub mfrm_Close() Set mfrm = Nothing End Sub Private Function CtlScanner() Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In mfrm.Controls Select Case ctl.ControlType Case acCheckBox Case acComboBox Dim lclsCtlCbo As clsCtlCbo Set lclsCtlCbo = New clsCtlCbo lclsCtlCbo.mInit ctl colCtls.Add lclsCtlCbo, ctl.Name Case acCommandButton Case acListBox Case acOptionButton Case acOptionGroup Case acPage Case acSubform 'subform controls Case acTabCtl 'tab pages are handled in the tab control Case acTextBox 'Find all text boxes and load class to change backcolor Dim lclsCtlTxt As clsCtlTxt Set lclsCtlTxt = New clsCtlTxt lclsCtlTxt.mInit ctl colCtls.Add lclsCtlTxt, ctl.Name Case acToggleButton End Select Next ctl End Function -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com