Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Thu Feb 12 04:22:48 CST 2009
Hi Terry and John SaveAsText acForm, "frmName", "Form97.txt" and LoadFromText acForm, "frmName", "Form97.txt" work nicely in A97 as well, though undocumented. Below please find the form for A97. /gustav <Text> Version = 17 VersionRequired = 17 Checksum = -930099809 Begin Form DefaultView = 0 RecordLocks = 2 TabularFamily = 0 PictureAlignment = 2 DatasheetGridlinesBehavior = 3 GridX = 24 GridY = 24 Width = 3240 DatasheetFontHeight = 10 ItemSuffix = 20 DatasheetGridlinesColor = 12632256 RecSrcDt = Begin 0x3a86509cea75e340 End OnOpen ="[Event Procedure]" DatasheetFontName ="Arial" Begin Begin Label BackStyle = 0 FontName ="Tahoma" End Begin CommandButton FontSize = 8 FontWeight = 400 ForeColor = -2147483630 FontName ="Tahoma" End Begin OptionButton SpecialEffect = 2 LabelX = 230 LabelY = -30 End Begin CheckBox SpecialEffect = 2 LabelX = 230 LabelY = -30 End Begin OptionGroup SpecialEffect = 3 End Begin TextBox SpecialEffect = 2 OldBorderStyle = 0 FontName ="Tahoma" End Begin ListBox SpecialEffect = 2 FontName ="Tahoma" End Begin ComboBox SpecialEffect = 2 FontName ="Tahoma" End Begin ToggleButton FontSize = 8 FontWeight = 400 ForeColor = -2147483630 FontName ="Tahoma" End Begin Section Height = 5100 BackColor = -2147483633 Name ="Detail" Begin Begin TextBox OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 660 Top = 360 Name ="Text1" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 60 Top = 360 Width = 555 Height = 240 Name ="Label2" Caption ="Text1:" End End End Begin Label OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 60 Top = 60 Width = 2220 Height = 210 Name ="Label3" Caption ="Label" End Begin OptionGroup OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 480 Top = 3360 Height = 480 TabIndex = 7 Name ="Frame4" Begin Begin Label BackStyle = 1 OverlapFlags = 215 Left = 600 Top = 3240 Width = 615 Height = 240 BackColor = -2147483633 Name ="Label5" Caption ="Frame4" End End End Begin ToggleButton OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 780 Top = 3960 TabIndex = 8 Name ="Toggle6" End Begin OptionButton OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 960 Top = 2550 TabIndex = 5 Name ="Option7" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 247 Left = 1190 Top = 2520 Width = 645 Height = 240 Name ="Label8" Caption ="Option7" End End End Begin CheckBox OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 960 Top = 2940 TabIndex = 6 Name ="Check9" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 247 Left = 1190 Top = 2910 Width = 600 Height = 240 Name ="Label10" Caption ="Check9" End End End Begin ComboBox OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 960 Top = 660 TabIndex = 1 Name ="Combo11" RowSourceType ="Table/Query" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 60 Top = 660 Width = 810 Height = 240 Name ="Label12" Caption ="Combo11:" End End End Begin ListBox OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 960 Top = 1680 Height = 600 TabIndex = 4 Name ="List13" RowSourceType ="Table/Query" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 60 Top = 1680 Width = 555 Height = 240 Name ="Label14" Caption ="List13:" End End End Begin CommandButton OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 480 Top = 4740 TabIndex = 9 Name ="Command15" Caption ="Command15" End Begin ComboBox OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 960 Top = 1020 TabIndex = 2 Name ="Combo16" RowSourceType ="Table/Query" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 60 Top = 1020 Width = 810 Height = 240 Name ="Label17" Caption ="Combo11:" End End End Begin ComboBox OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 960 Top = 1380 TabIndex = 3 Name ="Combo18" RowSourceType ="Table/Query" Begin Begin Label OverlapFlags = 85 Left = 60 Top = 1380 Width = 810 Height = 240 Name ="Label19" Caption ="Combo11:" End End End End End End End CodeBehindForm Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public fclsFrm As clsFrm Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Set fclsFrm = New clsFrm fclsFrm.mInit Me End Sub </text>