Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Thu Feb 12 16:01:09 CST 2009
I've done that with the NotInList event too. I did it with a function that accepts the name of a form, but a class is a cleaner way to go. What I was thinking here is that I could have a customer form open and and orders+details form open at the same time, and that navigating on the customer form would automatically refresh the orders form, even though they are separate forms. The same thing could be done with the order details subform and the products form. Arthur On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:43 PM, jwcolby <jwcolby at>wrote: > Yep, that will work just fine. What is the implementation idea? > > I have a behavior that I actually have embedded in my framework where the > dbl-Click event of the > combo can cause a list form to open, navigate to the record in the combo, > or if the combo item is > "not in list" opens the list form in Add mode. > > Suppose that you have something being displayed in a combo box. Perhaps a > name / SSN for a person. > A user is trying to add people in a form using that combo, but notices that > the name / ssn in the > combo box appears to be correct but the SSN is off by a digit (just an > example scenario). The user > can select that person, then dbl click in the combo. The combo class has > to have been fed a form to > open in case of the dbl click. If it has, then the combo opens the form. > Since the PKID is in > column 0 of the combo, the combo class "passes in" the PKID of the person > selected in the combo. > > The form as it opens, grabs the PKID and moves to that PKID and places the > form into Edit mode. > Voila, instant edit of exactly the correct record in another form. > > John W. Colby > <> > > > Arthur Fuller wrote: > > I've gone all the way with you, JC, and this weekend I plan to try an > > experiment bearing on the "Sinking Events in Multiple Places" concept -- > > specifically, two related forms open and navigation on one causes > parallel > > navigation on the other, so they stay in synch. Seems like a perfect > > application of this concept. > > > > Arthur > -- > AccessD mailing list > AccessD at > > Website: >