Rocky Smolin at Beach Access Software
rockysmolin at
Mon Feb 16 13:09:01 CST 2009
Dear List: In the following: Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone ' If no records then goodbye: MsgBox rs.RecordCount If rs.BOF = True And rs.EOF = True Then GoTo GoodBye: the record count shows as 1 but BOF and EOF are both true. The record was just added. So the routine exits instead of doing what it's supposed to do. A Me.Requery solves the problem, but leaves the pointer at the start of the the recordset instead of the record the user was working on. I can's save a bookmark because the Requery triggers the activate event which calls this routine and destroys the bookmark. But why would the record count show 1 when the BOf and EOF are set to True? TIA Rocky Smolin Beach Access Software 858-259-4334 <> <>