Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Sun Feb 22 06:39:54 CST 2009
Here's my simple procedural take on the problem. I started thinking about ways to avoid stepping through the whole controls collection for the form and to optimise looping through the ones we are interested in. This method opens a form containing over 200 labels and buttons with no discernable delay. All that is required is that you: a. Maintain a standard naming convention for Labels and Buttons: Label1, Label2 etc and Button1001,Button1002 etc within the form b. Define a FormID constant in each form's module, c. Define constants in each form's module which record the number of labels and buttons d. Store your translation strings with two fields, FormNumber and ControlNumber FormNumber - Long ControlNumber - Long Language1 - String Language 2 - String Language 3 - String etc 1. When the user changes language, load the new one into a Translation collection. In a Module: Global gcolTranslation As New Collection Function GetLanguage(Language as long) Dim rs as DAO Recordset If gcolTranslation.Count > 0 Then For i = 1 To gcolTranslation.Count gcolTranslation.Remove 1 Next End If Set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("uSysTranslationTable") While not rs.eof gcolTranslation.Add rs(Language + 2), _ Format(rs(0),"00") & rs(1) rs.movenext wend rs.close set rs = nothing End Function 2. In each Form create 3 constants: Const FormID As String = "01" Const NoOfLabels As Long = 200 Const NoOfButtons as Long = 5 3. Use the following on_open event for each form. Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Dim ctl As Control Dim x As Long Dim sX As String For x = 1 To NoOfLabels Me("Label" & x).Caption = gcolTranslation(FormID & x) Next For x = 1001 To 1000 + NoOfButtons Me("Button" & x).Caption = gcolTranslation(FormID & (x) Next End Sub -- Stuart