[AccessD] Find First in an Array? - The Solution Revisited - Now Tag is the Answer

Max Wanadoo max.wanadoo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 01:44:34 CST 2009

I agree with Stuart.
It is a property put there for the sole purpose of being used by developers
for whatever reason they think fit.
Its use is no more amateurish then using Access itself.  It is A-Political
and neither attracts nor detracts from anything else.

My 2p worth

Laugh more than cry.  Smile more than frown.  Be generous in  spirit.  And
always stand your round in the pub!

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
Sent: 24 February 2009 23:03
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Find First in an Array? - The Solution Revisited -
Now Tag is the Answer

LOL.  No I think the argument is that the tag is NOT designed for this
purpose, it is a general 
purpose property left over from the dark ages.  It is used by nubee
programmers, business owners etc 
who build their own systems, which most of us have had to come in and work
on at one point or 
another in our illustrious careers.  Given that it is used by nubees and
business owners, who 
haven't a clue about proper programming techniques (though WE ARE SUPPOSED
TO!!!), you cannot depend 
on it not to contain leftover junk that just may be critical.  So to get in
the habit of using the 
tag to store denormalized data is:

A) Silly
B) Possibly dangerous, depending on where the system had it's origins.
C) Silly
D) Silly

and finally

E) Silly.

Stuart, we are supposed to be professionals.  Excuse me for putting it quite
so bluntly, but the tag 
is squarely in the domain of the amateur.  Personally I do not care if you
use it, nor if anyone 
else uses it, but to ridicule those who have much more powerful tools at
their disposal and the 
knowledge to use them, is unprofessional in and of itself.

As I said, if you love them, by all means use them.  You will not find me
using them for a LOT of 
very good reasons.

I choose not to comment on Shamil's opinions.

John W. Colby

Stuart McLachlan wrote:
> So let me get this clear. Your argument is:
> 1.  I need to store a string value for each control. 
> 2.  Controls has been designed with a property specifically for this
> 3.  I won't use the property in case I need to use it for something else
later on,  instead I will 
> build a complete new system which will allow me to do all sorts of neat
things with controls 
> in case I need to in the future.  
> May I refer you to Shamil's posting last Friday in this thread?
> <quote>
> May I warn you about what is known as:
> "Premature Optimization"
> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PrematureOptimization 
> and 
> "Premature Generalization" 
> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PrematureGeneralizationIsEvil 
> Have a look:
> "Death by premature generalization" 
> http://ryanfarley.com/blog/archive/2004/04/30/570.aspx
> </quote>
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