jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Feb 28 14:05:26 CST 2009
> John - I would like to add that you are doing a great job with your lecture series on classes. These have been of immense help in putting together this sample. A.D., coming from you that is high praise indeed. Thanks! I am collection solutions and will build up a document comparing the solutions, both code and results. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com A.D.Tejpal wrote: > John, > > It seems feasible to evolve a solution combining the best features of various alternatives put forth so far by you, Drew and Stuart. > > Just to recapitulate, the salient points emanating so far have been: > > (a) JWC - Minimize the size of collection to that for a single language for a single form. Existing data table (de-normalized) is used. > > (b) Drew - Load the complete collection for all forms, all languages on application start, using a specially created normalized table. This collection remains available throughout the session. > > (c) Stuart - Load the complete collection for all forms, all languages on application start, using the existing de-normalized table. > > I have sent a copy of my sample db named Form_ControlCapTranslation.zip to you and Rocky. On opening the start-up form F_SwitchBoard, a master collection gets generated through a persistent instance of class C_Captions via general module M_CaptionsInit. It is a one time operation and uses the existing de-normalized table. > > The master collection is composed of collection objects, one element per form featuring in CurrentProject.AllForms. In turn, each element of this master collection (representing one form), is composed of collection objects language-wise - for that form. > > With the above arrangement, the size of collection to be referred while updating the captions, is the barest minimum, confined to the single form in question, and restricted to the currently selected language, at the same time avoiding any need for rebuilding of collections. > > The master collection, once loaded at start, remains available for duration of the session and is finally cleared up on closing the start-up form. Class C_CaptionsMaster is used in modules of various forms for integrating the persistent instance of class C_Captions. > > As soon as language selection is carried out via the combo box located on the start-up form, captions on all currently open forms get updated immediately. Any form opened subsequently, will also conform to the currently selected language. > > John - I would like to add that you are doing a great job with your lecture series on classes. These have been of immense help in putting together this sample. > > Best wishes, > A.D. Tejpal > ------------