Bob Gajewski
rbgajewski at
Sat Jan 3 13:54:40 CST 2009
Hi Folks I have an event database, and I am having trouble with referencing controls on a subform. Using a command button (cmdShowTier1) on the main form (frmEvents), I want to change the border color on selected textboxes on the subform (sfrmEventSectionLeft). Each field (EventSeatA001 through EventSeatR023) in the subform has a TAG property set to "Tier1", "Tier2" or "Tier3". Below is the code. The commented-out MsgBox lines were for trouble-shooting only. CODE SAMPLE ============================================================================ ================= Function ShowTier3() Dim ctl As Control Forms![frmEvents]![sfrmEventSectionLeft].SetFocus Forms![frmEvents]![sfrmEventSectionLeft].Form![EventSeatA001].SetFocus For Each ctl In Me.Controls 'MsgBox "The focus is on " & ctl.Name If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then If ctl.Tag = "Tier3" Then ctl.BorderColor = vbBlue End If End If Next ctl Forms![frmEvents].SetFocus End Function Function HideTier3() Dim ctl As Control Forms![frmEvents]![sfrmEventSectionLeft].SetFocus Forms![frmEvents]![sfrmEventSectionLeft].Form![EventSeatA001].SetFocus For Each ctl In Me.Controls 'MsgBox "The focus is on " & ctl.Name If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then If ctl.Tag = "Tier3" Then ctl.BorderColor = vbBlack End If End If Next ctl Forms![frmEvents].SetFocus End Function Private Sub cmdShowTier3_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdShowTier3_Click cmdHideTier3.Visible = True cmdHideTier3.SetFocus cmdShowTier3.Visible = False ShowTier3 'MsgBox "Tier 3 seats should now be blue", vbOKOnly Exit_cmdShowTier3_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdShowTier3_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdShowTier3_Click End Sub Private Sub cmdHideTier3_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdHideTier3_Click cmdShowTier3.Visible = True cmdShowTier3.SetFocus cmdHideTier3.Visible = False HideTier3 'MsgBox "Tier 3 seats should now be black", vbOKOnly Exit_cmdHideTier3_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdHideTier3_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdHideTier3_Click End Sub ============================================================================ ================= The code moves the focus to the subform, but the Me.Controls just cycles through the main form. How do I reference the subform, so that the proper fields are updated? I really appreciate any help or suggestions. Thanks, Bob Gajewski