jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Jan 22 15:30:31 CST 2009
I went out to the internet to that site with all of the connection strings. That didn't work, which just points out how a little data in the hands of someone with no knowledge is pretty much useless. ;-) I ended up using the connection stuff provided by Martin, dynamically strung together using the server / database I choose. That ended up working. The only changes I made were to the area around the cnn object. Other than that your function functions beautifully. This is what I ended up with: Dim strCnn As String Function mTrustedConnection(strServerName As String, strDatabase As String) strCnn = "Provider=sqloledb;" strCnn = strCnn & "Source=" & strServerName & ";" strCnn = strCnn & "Initial Catalog=" & strDatabase & ";" strCnn = strCnn & "Integrated Security=SSPI;" mTrustedConnection = strCnn End Function 'CallADOStoredProc(ByVal SPName As String, ParamArray Params() As Variant) Public Function CallADOStoredProc(strServerName As String, strDatabase As String, _ ByVal SPName As String, _ ParamArray Params() As Variant) 'Created by Charlotte Foust 9/30/2000 'last modified 1/12/2001 'Calls a saved query or stored procedure On Error GoTo Proc_err Dim varValue As Variant Dim strSQL As String Dim intLoop As Integer Dim varPrmType As Variant Dim lngRecords As Long Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim errCurr As ADODB.Error Dim colErrs As ADODB.Errors Const ERR_OPER_ON_INVALID_CONNECTION = 3709 Const ERR_RECORD_IS_DELETED = -2147467259 Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection cnn.ConnectionString = mTrustedConnection(strServerName, strDatabase) cnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient 'this simplifies accessing the errors 'collection, which belongs to the 'connection Set colErrs = cnn.Errors cnn.Open Set cmd = New ADODB.Command With cmd .ActiveConnection = cnn 'this could also be written as 'colErrs.Clear .ActiveConnection.Errors.Clear .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandText = SPName For intLoop = LBound(Params) To UBound(Params) Select Case VarType(Params(intLoop)) Case vbString varPrmType = adVarWChar Case vbLong varPrmType = adBigInt Case vbDate varPrmType = adDate 'if SQL Server, use adDBTimeStamp Case vbInteger varPrmType = adSmallInt Case vbDouble varPrmType = adDouble Case vbSingle varPrmType = adSingle Case vbBoolean varPrmType = adBoolean Case vbCurrency varPrmType = adCurrency Case vbByte varPrmType = adUnsignedTinyInt Case vbNull varPrmType = Null Case Else 'WARNING! Not supported in ADO 2.5 varPrmType = adVariant End Select If varPrmType = adVarWChar Then .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter( _ "prm" & intLoop, varPrmType, adParamInput, Len(Params(intLoop)) + 2, Params(intLoop)) Else 'you have to create ALL the parameters .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter( _ "prm" & intLoop, varPrmType, adParamInput, , Params(intLoop)) End If 'varPrmType = adVarWChar Next intLoop .Execute RecordsAffected:=lngRecords, Options:=adCmdStoredProc End With Proc_exit: On Error Resume Next CallADOStoredProc = lngRecords Set cmd = Nothing Exit Function Proc_err: 'ADO errors and Jet errors aren't the same 'collection, so this handles them differently If colErrs.Count > 0 Then 'There are ADO errors For Each errCurr In colErrs Select Case errCurr Case ERR_OPER_ON_INVALID_CONNECTION Stop Resume Proc_exit Case Else MsgBox errCurr.Number & "--" _ & errCurr.Description & " (" _ & errCurr.Source & ")" Resume Proc_exit End Select Next errCurr colErrs.Clear Else 'there is an other error MsgBox Err.Number & "--" & Err.Description Resume Proc_exit End If Resume 0 End Function John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Charlotte Foust wrote: > I don't see a provider in that connection string, John. > > Charlotte Foust