Doug Steele
dbdoug at
Thu Jul 2 22:38:39 CDT 2009
Hello All: All my client databases have a FE/BE structure. I generally name the files something like 'GreenWorldNursery.mdb' (FE) and 'GreenWorldNursery_Data.mdb' (BE). I send new clients a nice description of how FE/BE works, and always explain at length on the phone or in person. Over the years, however, I've realized that about half the people I deal with seem to be unable to grasp the concept of a front end with screens, reports, etc. and a back end which contains only data, no matter how often I explain. Despite my best efforts, they try to start the database by double clicking on the BE, copy the BE to their local computer instead of the FE, send me back a copy of 'GreenWorldNursery.mdb' when they have a data problem and I've asked them to send me 'GreenWorldNursery_Data.mdb', etc. etc. I've solved the worst problems with code - my BE databases have warning screens that show when they're opened; my FEs have all kinds of checks to make sure they're not running off the server, are linking correctly to the proper BE, etc. But I spent half an hour today on the phone with a fairly intelligent user who, it finally turned out, had confused the two files and was reading me the WRONG FILE NAMES off her My Computer window. With that preamble, here are my two questions: 1. Has anyone come up with a good metaphor for explaining the difference between a FE and BE .mdb file? 2. Are there better naming conventions out there? Thanks, Doug Steele