jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jun 6 07:50:27 CDT 2009
Max, Your assistance would be gratefully accepted. My thought is to turn this into a wizard which uses the Add-in manager to install and use. Do you use Rick Fishers Find and Replace? It is a wizard, which once installed is available from any database. As such there is no importing the form into the target database any more, the form itself as well as the code stays out in an mda/mde. That gives us the advantage of ease of maintenance. The code no longer needs to stay in the form for portability, so it can be pulled out into modules. The references to the libs you need for the wizard can be referenced right in the wizard and no longer need to be made in the FE using the wizard. I worked on this a little while last night. I am not a wizard expert (just the opposite) but if we can make this happen it would make the whole thing easier to use and more maintenance friendly. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Max Wanadoo wrote: > Thank you John, > > I am delighted ! > If people, other than William and myself, get some use out of it then I am > very pleased because it was written for other people and not for myself - > hence the comprehensive interface. > > It needs better structure and, as per William's suggestion, "CLASS-ifying". > > > The default path works fine. If you stray for a user-defined path it has a > problem - that needs looking at. > > Be careful of the export of tables into XML they are incredibly slow - XLS > is fine however. > > Also, it is designed for both the interface and all the code to be contained > with the one form so that people could import it into an mdb and it would > not require anything else, assuming the references were ok. > > Of course, I am here to help also - just didn't want to do it all by myself > yet again <g> > > I have changed the subject above so that we can identify traffic on this > matter. > > Max > Ps - If you have a mechanism other than paypay, I am happy to make a > donation of $100 to Datbase Advisors. > > > -----Original Message----- > From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com > [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby > Sent: 06 June 2009 05:22 > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving > Subject: Re: [AccessD] Naming subform control causes page fault > > Max, > > That is very gracious of you, thanks. > > As an officer of Database Advisors I will take possession of this for the > company. With a little > marketing we might actually get donations for the use which would help > Database Advisors stay afloat. > > Dan has offered to work on it, and I will be looking at it too. > > Thanks again, > > John W. Colby > www.ColbyConsulting.com > > > Max Wanadoo wrote: >> Well, I hereby donate all rights to the List. >> >> It needs a re-write but I have lived with it so long, I am sick and tired > of >> it. >> >> Rename it if you want - remove my name if you want - it all yours! >> >> Max >