[AccessD] Puzzled.... Error 3188

Robert robert at servicexp.com
Tue Jun 9 19:40:14 CDT 2009

I have a form/subform that lists open Service Orders. The user picks the
service order they want to work with, open another form to perform various
tasks. Everything has been working fine for years..

Recently I added some "features", that in part, involved this line of code
that fires on the subforms Current event to simply update a unbound text box
on the main form (which is also unbound).

With Form_frmServicesNavigator


.txtComment = Nz(Me.Quick_History, "") <<<<< THIS LINE

.txtDirections = Nz(Me!Directions, "")
.txtComplaints = Nz(Me!CustomerComplaints, "")
.txtSysNotes = Nz(Me!SysNotes, "")

End with

Now on occasion the user gets this error when attempting to update this
field (memo field) via a DAO.recordset.

"Error 3188 - Could not update; currently locked by another session on this

If I comment this line of code out, all works fine and the error does not
show up again. I have tried all manor of variations to reference the main
form thinking that may be causing it, but I get the same intermittent

Any idea's??


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