Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Sat Jun 20 08:29:16 CDT 2009
Hi Stuart Does that work with A97? If I run this: Dim aryDemo() Debug.Print Not Not aryDemo() an error (mismatch) is raised. I use this function for the purpose which just catches the error: <code> Public Function IsReDimmed(ByRef varArrayToCheck) As Boolean ' Checks a dynamic array to see if it has been ReDim'med. ' This is to prevent errors before applying LBound() or UBound(). ' ' Returns False if varArrayToCheck is dynamic and ' never has been ReDim'med or just has been erased. ' ' 2001-08-11. Cactus Data ApS, CPH. Gustav Brock. Dim booIsReDimmed As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_IsReDimmed If IsArray(varArrayToCheck) = True Then ' Check if varArrayToCheck is ReDim'med. ' LBound() will fail if varArrayToCheck not has been ReDim'med. booIsReDimmed = LBound(varArrayToCheck) Imp True ' No error raised; varArrayToCheck is ReDim'med. Else ' varArrayToCheck is not an array. End If IsReDimmed = booIsReDimmed Exit_IsReDimmed: Exit Function Err_IsReDimmed: Select Case Err Case 9 ' Subscript (array index) out of range. ' varArrayToCheck is dynamic and not ReDim'med. Case Else ' Other error. End Select ' Exit function returning False. Resume Exit_IsReDimmed End Function </code> Note the use of Imp, one of the few cases I've found a use for this operator. /gustav >>> stuart at 20-06-2009 14:43:02 >>> I've been doing quite a bit with arrays in the last couple of days using .... ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound(MyArray()) +1) .... This works fine it the array has been initialized, but throws an error the first time round because the array has not been initialized. I've just come across a neat hack to test whether the array has been initialized: "IF NOT NOT myArray()" ... This takes the 32-bit pointer value in the array variable, mirror the bits, and then mirror them again. If the array has not been initialized, the pointer is 0 so it returns false, if it has been, it returns the pointer value. Since this is non-zero, it returns true. -- Stuart