jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jun 23 10:18:00 CDT 2009
I was interested in the properties of the text box. I was not even aware that text boxes had these properties. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com rusty.hammond at cpiqpc.com wrote: > John, > > DDE has been around for years and as far as I know, isn't used much anymore. > Notice at the bottom of the article, it applies to VB 4.0 and VB 3.0 and is > listed as Retired KB content, and the last review of the article was in > January 2003. > > Rusty > > -----Original Message----- > From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com > [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby > Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:15 AM > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving > Subject: [AccessD] What is this? > > I just found code that does the TransferText in a completely different way. > I have never seen a text control use these properties and methods. Is this > something new in 2007 or does this go back to some previous version? What > is the advantage of this over the normal TransferText? > > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/113905 > > Sub Command1_Click () > Dim cmd As String ' Holds DDEExecute command. > On Error GoTo DDEerr ' Error trap. > > ' Make sure there isn't an existing DDE conversation: > text1.LinkMode = 0 > > ' Set up the DDE link: > text1.LinkTopic = "MSACCESS|C:\ACCESS\NWIND.MDB" > text1.LinkItem = "All" > text1.LinkMode = 2 > > ' DDEExecute command to import text file into Microsoft Access Table: > cmd = "[TransferText ,,'Shippers','C:\ACCESS\SHIPPERS.TXT']" > > ' Execute the TransferText command and close the DDE link: > text1.LinkExecute cmd > text1.LinkMode = 0 > MsgBox "Transfer OK" > Exit Sub > > DDEerr: > ' An error has occurred. > MsgBox Error > MsgBox "Error in transfer." > Exit Sub > End Sub > > > -- > John W. Colby > www.ColbyConsulting.com > -- > AccessD mailing list > AccessD at databaseadvisors.com > http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/accessd > Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com > > ********************************************************************** > WARNING: All e-mail sent to and from this address will be received, > scanned or otherwise recorded by the CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc. > corporate e-mail system and is subject to archival, monitoring or review > by, and/or disclosure to, someone other than the recipient. > **********************************************************************