[AccessD] Access 97 on Windows 7

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Jun 26 06:59:54 CDT 2009

Hi all

Drew had (have) some problems running A97 on Vista, so we tried to install an Access 97 runtime on Windows 7.
This seems to work fine. We installed as administrator and marked the app to "run in XP".


>>> Gustav at cactus.dk 21-04-2008 23:40 >>>
Hi Drew et al

Here is one source with a good explanation:


But don't give up! Alex Dybenko comes to rescue (again):


Seems to be a font issue (again, remember the hatten.ttf trouble?).


>>> DWUTKA at marlow.com 21-04-2008 17:30 >>>
My new laptop came with Vista.  Looked nice.  Ran fine.  Tried to
install Office 97 (I currently run 97 and 2003 on all of my development
systems).  Wouldn't install.

Yes, I could use VPC to run 97 when I need it, but I prefer my OS to be
able to run the software I CURRENTLY use natively.

So after that error installing Office 97 (and a quick google search
verifying that Office 97 wouldn't install on Vista) and my laptop had XP
on it faster then you could say 'Microsoft screwed the pooch with
Vista'. ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com 
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:50 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Moving to Access 2007 - Here we go...


I have to say I used to agree with you.  I finally broke down and 
installed it on my DELL M90 and I am starting to like it.  Of course I 
did break down and go back to the classic style menus, but the 
performance is actually very good, and I love the full disk encryption.

I certainly wouldn't go with any of the entry level Vista packages

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