jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Mar 4 06:44:20 CST 2009
Let's do that. I will write code to check whether an event is already hooked with a function, and if so to report it but not hook the event. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Gustav Brock wrote: > Hi A.D. > > That is correct. For a legal app or an app built by someone else you must be prepared ... > > /gustav > >>>> adtp at airtelmail.in 03-03-2009 19:00 >>> > Gustav, > > I agree with you and like to keep everything in VBA module. > > However, it could so happen that another developer, relatively new to classes, tries to adopt an available control class and wishes some specific control to have an over-riding response as per =MyFunction, while allowing other controls to comply with the class behavior (preferring at the same time not to meddle with the class code itself). > > In such a situation, conditional check within the class as suggested, could provide the required flexibility. In this context, could there be any grounds for not incorporating this feature? > > Best wishes, > A.D. Tejpal > ------------ > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Gustav Brock > To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com > Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 13:17 > Subject: Re: [AccessD] Building a control class > > > Hi A.D. > > You have a point. However, I really think the =MyFunction() construction is a left-over from Access 1.x which didn't feature code behind forms. > Two reasons for this: > > 1. It is nearly impossible to locate the controls where MyFunction is used without extensive manual search or using a third-party search utility. > 2. Errors in MyFunction cannot be caught. > > /gustav > > > >>> adtp at airtelmail.in 03-03-2009 06:26 >>> > > John, > > If a single class covering all controls (complete with events) were to be devised, could there be any reason not to prefer it over a host of classes control-wise ? > > While assigning "[Event Procedure]" to various events, it seems desirable to make it conditional to the event not already having been assigned some function (e.g. =MyFunction()) as otherwise the latter stands suppressed. > > Best wishes, > A.D. Tejpal > ------------ > >