[AccessD] Null and Empty (was NOT Query).

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Mar 31 16:54:18 CDT 2009

I forgot the mention:
If you "allow zero length" in a text field but set "Required" to "yes",
you can make that field Empty, but you can't make it Null.

On 1 Apr 2009 at 7:49, Stuart McLachlan wrote:

> Some people use the terms Null and Empty interchangeably when talking about data fields. 
> Note however that an "empty string" (zero length) is different to a Null.
> Any field type can be set to Null.  Only a text field can be populated with an Empty string, 
> and in Access, only when  you set the field property to "Allow zero length strings".   

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