[AccessD] Too few parameters expected 1

Kaup, Chester Chester_Kaup at kindermorgan.com
Tue May 26 10:40:41 CDT 2009

Here is the code the generates the error. The SQL statement does not seem to be reading the variable API14. It is dimmed as text.

Set RS1 = MyDb.OpenRecordset("dbo_DSS_StatusChanges")
Set RS2 = MyDb.OpenRecordset("dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster")
API14 = RS2.Fields(0)

strSql = "SELECT dbo_DSS_StatusChanges.PID, dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster.Well_Number, 
DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-1,1) AS RecordDate, Max(dbo_DSS_StatusChanges.StatusDate) AS MaxOfStatusDate 
FROM dbo_DSS_StatusChanges INNER JOIN dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster ON dbo_DSS_StatusChanges.PID = dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster.PID 
WHERE (((dbo_DSS_StatusChanges.StatusDate) <= DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()) - 1, 1))and dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster.PID = API14)
GROUP BY dbo_DSS_StatusChanges.PID, dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster.Well_Number 
ORDER BY dbo_DSS_CompletionMaster.Well_Number;"

Set RS3 = MyDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)

Chester Kaup
Engineering Technician
Kinder Morgan CO2 Company, LLP
Office (432) 688-3797
FAX (432) 688-3799

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