Hollis, Virginia
hollisvj at pgdp.usec.com
Thu Nov 12 07:03:19 CST 2009
Sorry - by "not show" - in the OnCurrent I have a text box (txtReorder) that shows only if the item is below reorder level. It shows the amount it is below level from the txtReorderAmt. ="Item is " & [txtReorderAmt] & " units below minimum level" If the txtReorderAmt is 0. Then the message in txtReorder "Item is 0 units below minimum level. I don't want the txtReorder message to show at all if it is 0. OnCurrent: If Not IsNull(Me!ReorderLevel.Value) Then 'There is a reorder level entered ReorderLevel = Me!ReorderLevel.Value 'Show the value of the reorder level entered If txtReorderAmt > 0 Then 'Reorder level is below. Me!ReorderLevel.ForeColor = lngRed 'reorder level is red Me.txtReorder.Visible = True 'Show reorder label Else Me!ReorderLevel.ForeColor = lngBlack 'Reorder level is not low, reorder level is black Me.txtReorder.Visible = False 'No order label. End If End If ********** I'm not sure what you mean by "not show" You can use conditional formatting to hide it, or you can put an double quote instead of a zero (but that would require a change in your OnCurrentEvent code). =IIf(([txtOnHand]+[txtOnOrder])<[ReorderLevel],[ReorderLevel]-([txtOnHan d]+[txtOnOrder]),"") You can also make it not visible in the OnCurrent event. Also, I spelled parenthesis incorrectly :) D