Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Mon Nov 16 15:41:36 CST 2009
You missed the whole point of the article. The prupose of the method is to use the efficiency of Set based operations. <quote> The truth is that you don't need the RBAR of a User Defined Function at all. This article explains the "puzzle solving" behind a common set based method ... Remember the goal is to convert all of those sets of spaces to just a single space without the use of RBAR even if the RBAR is through the simple use of a UDF. ... "RBAR" is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for "Row-By-Agonizing-Row". </unquote> -- Stuart On 16 Nov 2009 at 8:20, jwcolby wrote: > The original article. > > > > I turned this into a UDF since that works for me. >