jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Oct 13 11:37:29 CDT 2009
The subject should be "how to lose your job". ;) > This is so cheap to establish that every serious business should run this way. Still - and that is very strange to me - only very few clients run this way. Because they see examples like MICROSOFT and T-MOBILE who only have a single copy of their data. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Gustav Brock wrote: > Hi Rocky > > The subject line should rather be: Don't rely on a single backup system. > > For critical data this is simple. One backup system only introduces a single point of failure. Thus, we recommend clients to have three, at least two, independent backup systems: > > 1. A local backup. Previously that would be a tape backup. Today typically a harddisk, internal or external. > 2. Another local backup where the media frequently is brought off-site, typically an external harddisk brought to some other location with fast access. > 3. A remote backup. > > This is so cheap to establish that every serious business should run this way. Still - and that is very strange to me - only very few clients run this way. > > /gustav > > >>>> rockysmolin at bchacc.com 13-10-2009 17:52 >>> > > Sidekick users distraught as personal data vanishes > http://www3.signonsandiego.com/stories/2009/oct/13/sidekick-users-distraught-personal-data-vanishes/?uniontrib > > >