robert at
Thu Oct 22 07:46:22 CDT 2009
Shamil, Thank you very much for your "dirty code", yours "Looks" much cleaner then my first run at it.. I will work with it.. This is what I came up with.. First Rev. still need to clean it up.... Public Function FormatCCDate(dCCDate As String) As String Dim dLastDay As Date Dim dDate As String Dim sFirstPart As String Dim sSecondPart As String Dim sThirdPart As String Dim dFinalDate As Date Dim lStr As Long On Error GoTo HandleErr If Nz(dCCDate, "") <> "" Then dDate = dCCDate 'Strips everything but the numbers dDate = varNumericPart(dDate) Select Case Len(dDate) Case 3 '909 entries would format to 09 31 09 31 would automaticly be entered sFirstPart = 0 & Left(dDate, 1) sThirdPart = Right(dDate, 2) sSecondPart = Mid(DateSerial(Year(CDate(sFirstPart & 1 & sThirdPart)), Month(dDate) + 1, 0), 3, 2) dFinalDate = Format(sFirstPart & "/" & sSecondPart & "/" & sThirdPart, "Short Date") Case 4 '0909 entries would format to 09 31 09 31 would automaticly be entered sFirstPart = Left(dDate, 2) sThirdPart = Right(dDate, 2) sSecondPart = Mid(DateSerial(Year(CDate(sFirstPart & 1 & sThirdPart)), Month(dDate) + 1, 0), 3, 2) dFinalDate = Format(sFirstPart & "/" & sSecondPart & "/" & sThirdPart, "Short Date") Case 5 '92109 entries would format to 09 21 09 sFirstPart = 0 & Left(dDate, 1) sThirdPart = Right(dDate, 2) sSecondPart = Mid(dDate, 2, 2) dFinalDate = Format(sFirstPart & "/" & sSecondPart & "/" & sThirdPart, "Short Date") Case 6 '092109 entries would format to 09 21 09 sFirstPart = Left(dDate, 2) sThirdPart = Right(dDate, 2) sSecondPart = Mid(dDate, 3, 2) dFinalDate = Format(sFirstPart & "/" & sSecondPart & "/" & sThirdPart, "Short Date") Case 7 '9212009 entries would format to 09 21 2009 sFirstPart = 0 & Left(dDate, 1) sThirdPart = Right(dDate, 4) sSecondPart = Mid(dDate, 2, 2) dFinalDate = Format(sFirstPart & "/" & sSecondPart & "/" & sThirdPart, "Short Date") Case 8 '09212009 entries would format to 09 21 2009 sFirstPart = Left(dDate, 2) sThirdPart = Right(dDate, 4) sSecondPart = Mid(dDate, 3, 2) dFinalDate = Format(sFirstPart & "/" & sSecondPart & "/" & sThirdPart, "Short Date") Case Else dFinalDate = Empty End Select If dFinalDate = "12:00:00 AM" Then MsgBox " Sorry, Could not determine date formatting. Please enter a valid date ", , "Problem Box" Else FormatCCDate = dFinalDate End If End If ExitHere: On Error Resume Next Exit Function HandleErr: Select Case Err.Number Case Else 'MsgBox Err.BuildError("basServiceOrder:FormatCCDate"), vbCritical, "Un-Expected Error" MsgBox "There has been an error in Procedure: basServiceOrder:FormatCCDate " & vbCrLf & _ "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description & " On Line: " & Erl() & vbCrLf & _ " Please Contact " & "The SoftwareVendor" & " for more help regarding this error. ", vbCritical, "Un-Expected Error" Call ErrorRecordSystem(Err.Number, Err.Description & " On Line: " & Erl(), Now, "Un-Expected Error In Proc; " & "basServiceOrder:FormatCCDate", CurrentUser, Err) Resume ExitHere End Select End Function -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Shamil Salakhetdinov Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 5:58 AM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] All-In-One Date format Function: Hi Max, No, I didn't. Did I note that was a "quick & dirty" code snippet, didn't I? (Somebody might even find it too "dirty"...) Please feel free to make fixes to cover your test cases as well as null or empty or excessively long input string as well as ... Your turn. Thank you. -- Shamil -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Max Wanadoo Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 11:01 AM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] All-In-One Date format Function: What about? 1. 9 <enter> - month 9 same year 2. 99 <enter> - month 9 year 2009. 3. 999 <enter> - day 9, month 9, year 2009 Have you put these through the code and see what they come out with? Max -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Shamil Salakhetdinov Sent: 21 October 2009 23:47 To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] All-In-One Date format Function: Hi Robert, Just a quick & dirty code snippet - it's C# but simulates VBA as close as possible: using System; using VBA = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings; namespace TestConsole.App { public class DateConvertor { public static DateTime Convert(string dateStr) { string temp = dateStr; string monthStr; string dayStr; string yearStr; DateTime retValue = DateTime.MinValue; if (VBA.Left(temp, 1) == "1" || VBA.Left(temp, 1) == "0") { // two digits monthNum monthStr = VBA.Left(temp, 2); temp = VBA.Mid(temp, 3); } else { // one digits monthNum monthStr = VBA.Left(temp, 1); temp = VBA.Mid(temp, 2); } if (VBA.Len(temp) < 2) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid date format: " + dateStr); else if (VBA.Len(temp) == 2) { temp = "00" + temp; } else if ( (VBA.Left(temp, 1) == "/") || (VBA.Left(temp, 1) == "-") ) { temp = VBA.Mid(temp, 2); } dayStr = VBA.Left(temp, 2); temp = VBA.Mid(temp, 3); if ( (VBA.Left(temp, 1) == "/") || (VBA.Left(temp, 1) == "-") ) temp = VBA.Mid(temp, 2); if (VBA.Len(temp) == 1) temp = "200" + temp; else if (VBA.Len(temp) == 2) temp = "20" + temp; yearStr = temp; retValue = (dayStr != "00") ? Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.DateSerial( Int32.Parse(yearStr), Int32.Parse(monthStr), Int32.Parse(dayStr)) : Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.DateSerial( Int32.Parse(yearStr), Int32.Parse(monthStr) + 1, 0); return retValue; } public static string[] TestDates { get { return new string[] { "909", "0909", "09/21/09", "09-21-09", "092109", "92109", "9212009" }; } } public static void Test() { Console.WriteLine("// Test Output:"); Console.WriteLine("// ------------"); foreach (string date in TestDates) { Console.WriteLine("// {0} => {1:MM/dd/yyyy}", date, Convert(date)); } // Test Output: // ------------ // 909 => 09/30/2009 // 0909 => 09/30/2009 // 09/21/09 => 09/21/2009 // 09-21-09 => 09/21/2009 // 092109 => 09/21/2009 // 92109 => 09/21/2009 // 9212009 => 09/21/2009 } } } HTH. -- Shamil -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robert Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2009 10:17 PM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: [AccessD] All-In-One Date format Function: Hoooooowdy, Before re-inventing the wheel here, does anyone have or know of a function that can handle "free form" date formatting. I'm looking for a function that can parse any input and then format is correctly. Example of user inputs: 0909 09/21/09 09-21-09 092109 92109 9212009 etc. I don't want to use any formatting / Masking settings at the field or table level. I would like the user to enter it the way they want to (to the most degree possible)... WBR Robert <<< snip >>> -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: