Martin Reid
mwp.reid at
Wed Sep 16 09:16:59 CDT 2009
John example of the web Public Function CreateProc() Dim strProc As String strProc = "Create Procedure qryCustByCity " & _ "(prmCity varchar) as " & _ "select * from Customers where City = prmCity" CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strProc End Function Public Function RSFromParameterQuery(strCity As String) Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter Dim cmd As ADODB.Command Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Set cmd = New ADODB.Command Set cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection cmd.CommandText = "qryCustByCity" cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("prmCity", adVarChar, _ adParamInput, Len(strCity)) prm.Value = strCity cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset rst.Open cmd Do Until rst.EOF Debug.Print rst(0), rst(1), rst(2) rst.MoveNext Loop End Function Martin WP Reid Information Services The Library at Queen's Tel : 02890976174 Email : mwp.reid at ________________________________________ From: accessd-bounces at [accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of jwcolby [jwcolby at] Sent: 16 September 2009 15:05 To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: [AccessD] Access 2000 - Filtering SQL Server records I have an application that goes to SQL Server for three different tables. These tables are from a third party payroll system. The tables are about check information. One of the fields holds a text representation of the autonumber (long int) PK from one of my tables (the Claimant table). ATM we have a single view in SQL Server that pulls each and every check record. Back in Access I then convert the string to long and then filter down to just the records for the claim(s) I am interested in. This is sloooooowwwwwww....... In this case I am using one single view for everything I do with this check data anywhere in this or any other of my applications. Thus it returns every check (over 100K) any time I do ANYTHING. I don't really use SQL Server very much as a BE to Access applications so I don't have experience in other ways to do this. So I need help. I know that the first thing I could do is rewrite the view to do the data type conversion out in SQL Server and hand me back records with that PKID already converted to a long integer. Aside from that though, I really want to pass in a specific PKID and have SQL Server give me back just the check records for that PKID. Remember that this is 2K. The data is NOT editable so I do not need, and in fact cannot even get write access to the data. So how do I get data back from SQL Server specific to a PK? I assume that I have to go with a stored procedure? Any help (as detailed as possible) is much appreciated. -- John W. Colby -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: