[AccessD] Access to Web

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Fri Sep 25 23:29:34 CDT 2009

On 26 Sep 2009 at 4:53, Max Wanadoo wrote:

> Stuart:
> Wow, that must have taken a whole lot of  time to hand-craft those sites.
> They look very good.

It's not really as complicated as it looks.  I leave the fancy design to my offsider at 
Cybermasta.com.     All the nice stuff such as the header, footer, sidebars, style sheets etc 
goe in Server Side Includes or templates.  I just do the grunt work on the data.  

Basically, it's a matter of   

Create a Table Definition
Loop through a recordset with a few Print # statements in the loop to embed each record in 
a table row
Read/write the footer template.

Here's the relevant code for the  Job Vacancies page:

Print #1, <!--#include file="Header.inc" -->"
'Define Table
Print #1, "<p align=center>"
Print #1, "<table width=90% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 class=normal_b>"
Print #1, "<COL width=""8%""><COL width=""27%""> <COL width=""25%""><col width = 
""20%""><col width = ""10%""><col width = ""10%"">"

'Print Header Row
Print #1, "<tr bgcolor=""#000066"" class=normal_w>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong>Position No.</strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong>Position</strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong>Organization</strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong>Location</strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong>Closing Date</strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong> </strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong> </strong></td>"
Print #1, "<td align=center><strong> </strong></td>"
Print #1, "</tr>"

'Print Data Rows
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM qryWebJobs order by GpCode, 
CLosingDate desc,OrganisationName,PositionTitle")
Do While Not rs.EOF
   If strGpCode <> rs!gpcode Then 'show group header row
       Print #1, "<tr  bgcolor=""dddddd""><td colspan = ""8"" align=center><strong><br><a 
Name=""OC" & rs!gpcode & """>" & rs!gpClass & "</a><br></strong></td></tr>"
          strGpCode = rs!gpcode
   End If
   Print #1, "<tr>"
   Print #1, "<td align=center valign=top>" & rs!Posnum & "</td>"
   Print #1, "<td align=left valign=top>" & rs!PositionTitle & "</td>"
   If rs!ShowClientName Then
      Print #1, "<td align=left valign=top>" & rs!OrganisationName & "</td>"
       Print #1, "<td align=left valign=top>" & Nz(rs!GenericName, " ") & "</td>"
   End If
   Print #1, "<td align=left valign=top>" & rs!Location & "</td>"
   Print #1, "<td align=left valign=top>" & IIf(rs!ClosingDate < Date, "Closed", 
Format(rs!ClosingDate, "d mmm yy")) & "</td>"
   Print #1, "<td align=left valign=top>" & IIf(rs!RestPNG, "PNG Citizens Only", "&nbsp") & 
   Print #1, "<td align=center valign=top><a href=""PDF_files/VI-PosDescr-" & rs!Posnum & 
".pdf""><img src=""http://www.vanguardpng.com/images/job_details.gif"" width=""61"" 
height=""20"" border=""0"" alt=""job_details.gif - 450 Bytes""></a></td>"
   Print #1, "<td align=center valign=top><a href=""docs/VI-Appln-" & rs!Posnum & 
".doc""><img src=""http://www.vanguardpng.com/images/apply_for_job.gif"" width=""53"" 
height=""20"" border=""0"" alt=""apply_for_job.gif - 397 Bytes""></a></td>"
   Print #1, "</td>"
   Print #1, "</tr>"
    Loop  'End Vacancy Loop

Print #1, "</table>"

Print #1, <!--#include file="Footer.inc" -->"

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