adtp at airtelmail.in
Wed Sep 30 07:31:02 CDT 2009
Dale, My sample db named Form_Treeview might be of interest to you. It is available at Rogers Access Library. Link - http://www.rogersaccesslibrary.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=45 This sample is in Access 2000 file format and works on Access 2007 as well. It demonstrates two styles of treeview, one represents employees organization chart, while the other facilitates marking of student grades in a convenient manner. In both cases, there is two way synchronization between the treeview and adjacent subform, for navigation and editing. An interesting feature has been incorporated in employees version. Whichever happens to be the current employee, complete chain of command is highlighted. The employee and his top boss are shown in two different colors while all intermediate supervisors in direct chain of command are shown in another color. This highlighting gets implemented on the treeview as well as subform in identical style. If an employee node is dragged over to another employee or department, the resulting modified structure gets displayed on the treeview as well as subform, duly highlighting the revised chain of command in the manner described in previous para. Note: This is a fresh sample db and as mentioned at the end of explanatory notes accompanying the sample, Drew's wonderful series of posts on treeview control, and Arthur's excellent article on the subject (in DatabaseAdvisors) have been of great help. Best wishes, A.D. Tejpal ------------ ----- Original Message ----- From: Dale Kalsow To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 01:14 Subject: [AccessD] treeview control Good Afternoon, Does anyone have a simple treeview example for Access 2007, they are willing to share? Thanks! Dale