A.D. Tejpal
adtp at airtelmail.in
Mon Apr 5 14:19:34 CDT 2010
Mark, Reckoning the difference as based upon date2 minus date1, the starting date won't get counted. Best wishes, A.D. Tejpal ------------ ----- Original Message ----- From: Mark A Matte To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 20:22 Subject: Re: [AccessD] Date Difference As Completed Years-Months-Days A.D. Quick question: When you give the example for: "> 30-Apr-2005 (Month End) to 31-Mar-2009 (Month End) should resolve to 3 years, 11 months, 0 days (8 complete months in 2005, plus 3 complete years 2006 to 2008, plus 3 complete months in 2009). > (However, as per Chip Pearson's function posted by Kevin, it evaluates to 3 years 11 months 1 days)" Does 30-Apr-2005 count as a day?...or does each date reflect the end of that date?(0 days vs 1 day) Thanks, Mark A. Matte