jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Apr 10 10:30:43 CDT 2010
The code you are talking about is a db updater wizard that AccessD owns. It is on our web site: http://www.databaseadvisors.com/downloads.asp It is called the BEUpdater and as the name implies, updates the back end. As you pointed out in a more recent post, the FE is taken care of by simply splitting the FE from the BE. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Kevin wrote: > All, > > > > I, in California, am working on a project for a company in Texas (or Baja > Oklahoma). > > > > As enhancements are requested I need to be able to make updates to their > copy of the db without being able to log in to their machines. > > > > I seem to remember someone posting code to allow me to send them a file and > import the structure (Code, Forms, queries) into their copy. > > > > Searched the archives to no avail.Any ideas? > > > > Thanks > > Kevin Waddle > <mailto:thewaddles at sbcglobal.net> thewaddles at sbcglobal.net > > God's way of answering the Christian's prayer for more patience, experience, > hope, and love often is to put him into the furnace of affliction. ~ Richard > Cecil >