[AccessD] Access 2007 Reporting Versus Crystal Reports

Brad Marks BradM at blackforestltd.com
Fri Apr 16 12:37:08 CDT 2010

Recently the topic of Crystal Reports was brought up.  We are a small
firm with a small IT budget.

Our data lives in SQL Server, Access 2007, Excel, and in a purchased
package's Pervasive Database which we can access nicely via ODBC.   

We currently do not have Crystal Reports, or any other report writer
other than the reporting features that are integrated into Access 2007.

I took a stand and said that I believe that Access 2007 will be able to
handle our reporting needs.  We currently have very few reports and it
appears that our reporting needs are quite basic.  

The bulk of our data lives in SQL Server, but we do not have SQL Server
Reporting Services available.  Are there issues that I should be aware
of when starting to use Access 2007 Reporting against SQL Server?  So
far, our initial experiments have worked nicely, but we have only
started to scratch the surface.  If we are heading down the wrong path,
I would like to know sooner rather than later.

Thanks in advance for your advice and insights.



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